RT Booklovers Convention
Here's our schedule for Kansas City, May 1-4, 2013
We attended our first RT Convention last year in Chicago and enjoyed it so much, we're back this year! RT is a terrific convention run by and attended by people who love books. If you're going to be there, here is where you can find us.
Wed. 2:30-3:30: Steampunk Sojourn: Intro to Steampunk
(Mezzanine, Chouteau A)
Wed. 5:00-6:00: Vampire: Blood Light - vampires w/humor
(Mezzanine, Empire A)
Thur. 11:15-12:15: Comics: Creators Share Secrets
(Mezzanine, Fremont)
Thur. 1:30-2:30: Steampunk Tea
(Ballroom, Chicago A)
Thur. 4:00-6:00: Ebook, Indie, Graphic Novel Expo
Sat. 11:00-2:00: Giant Bookfair
We are really excited to be back at RT. It is a great convention and we hope to meet both fans and new readers of Vampire Empire!