"Clay and Susan Griffith's Vampire Empire is Transforming Genre Fiction" Paul Goat Allen, BN Explorations.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

ConTemporal -- the NC steampunk convention, June 22-24

We'll be there!

Here's our schedule of panels...

Friday 7:00 pm: The Author/Editor Relationship
Friday 8:00 pm: Reading/Signing

Saturday 1:00 pm: How to Write Convincing Characters
Saturday 4:00pm: How to Handle Multiple POV Stories
Saturday 6:00pm: NeoVictoriana

Sunday 12:00noon: YA Steampunk

We are looking forward to a first-class convention right here in our backyard. The literary GoH is Cherie Priest!!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

USA Today Interview

We Don't Usually Sit This Close Together

We haven't posted anything new here in a while. But we just did a Skype interview with USA Today which has been posted on their romance book blog. It was a lot of fun and we talk about writing as a couple and the upcoming 3rd volume of Vampire Empire, THE KINGMAKERS