"Clay and Susan Griffith's Vampire Empire is Transforming Genre Fiction" Paul Goat Allen, BN Explorations.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Vampire Empire: The Greyfriar

Steampunk World's Fair -- May 14-16, 2010

We'll be attending the Steampunk World's Fair in Piscataway, NJ. We'll be reading from VAMPIRE EMPIRE: THE GREYFRIAR and talking about writing, alternate history, and steampunk. The book won't be out by then, but we'll have the cover at least! We're very excited to see everyone there!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

PYR Books is SFReview's Publisher of the Decade

And PYR is only 5 years old!

Now that's pretty good.

Another reason we're happy to be with PYR Books and with Lou Anders is the growing awareness that PYR is the home of quality fantasy and science fiction, and that Lou has an eye for good stuff. We hope VAMPIRE EMPIRE adds to that success in 2010 and beyond.

Way to go Lou!
